The week, the week, the week... Where does it go? I guess
at this point there isn't much preface to do here, so I think I'll just jump
right into it.
Last Monday, we
did stuff... I we walked around and played some cards. If
anyone has any ideas for pday, let me know. I'm not any good at coming up with
them. Next week, though, we will go to the island to see some castles, we're
thinking. We didn't do it this week because we didn't plan for it. Going to
Visingsö takes a bit more planning than we had done. So yeah. We just chilled.
Then after we were done with that, we rolled out and talked to people. We
started to teach P. (our new convert) how to speak Swedish. I think that will really
help him connect with the members here. If they see someone trying to learn
their language, they get really impressed and try to help that person out. So
we are working with him and trying to help him understand that as he asks God
for help on this, or really anything in his life, he will find greater success.
The next day, we
were up early in the morning to catch the tåg with H. He has some great
jokes. Ask me about his jokes sometime, and I'll tell you one. It's great.
Also, he teaching SFE, which is basically a class for immigrants so they can
learn Swedish and all about Sweden in preparation for living here. He thinks
his students are so stupid, and he rips on them all the time. It is so funny.
He tells us these stories of how these people don't understand even the most
simple things... anyway. Fun stuff. We also had open church on Tuesday. More
area book stuff. And we studied there a bit too because we were on the train in
the morning, not studying. We did more stuff that evening, but I feel like you
wouldn't really enjoy hearing about our crazy amazing adventures knocking on
doors where people don't speak Swedish or English. But we did knock on the door
with the super golden family again, but the husband, as it turns out, is not
nearly as cool with the gospel as the wife, the kids, and the grandparents. He told us not to
come back, so we may just be around the house sometime, hoping that one of the
other one's comes out and talks to us...
People who stop
other people from learning about the gospel are annoying.
We did go the
Schelin's again to do some lesson practice. It was fun. I really like them.
Cute kids, too.
One Onsdag, we
helped the Ronndahl's paint their living room. It turns out, I'm really bad at
painting a wall a color it already is. Nobody else had that problem, wonder
what was up? But really, it was, like, off white, and we were painting it,
like, beige (whatever the heck that even means), and I just couldn't quite get
where I had painted. But we worked on that for a few hours. Then we went home
and showered up so that we could go proselyting, you know, do our
job. We went to Österängen and knocked doors.
But then we were called and asked to help give a blessing to an older woman in
the ward, so we went and did that, and I did a part of it, and I had to do it
in Swedish. That's a little harder than in English, but when it comes down to
it, just as long as you have all the parts, and the faith, the authority, and
the power, it doesn't really matter how bad your grammar is. But it went well.
We then went to the Robayo's for dinner, and they make really good food. Strong
family. But it was hilarious. There were times all the missionaries (the
Systers were there too) and the two kids (who aren't really kids, they are 23 and 26) couldn't quite breath due to laughing, and the parents (who
don't really speak Swedish or English) were all, "Jag förstår
inte..." (I do not understand) which made the entire thing funnier. When we got out of there, we
when to P.'s again.
Thursday... what
a day. After a morning with H. on the train, we went to Bankeryd, which is a
good while into the Systrar's area, but it was okay, because a member invited
us for dinner. But it was like, an hour travel from our apartment, and we went
there straight from Nässjö, so that totals to three hours of travel before we
had even eaten yet, and we got to her place at lunch time. So that was fun.
Then we went back to the church (another hour) to get blåsted. Then we went
back to our apartment (half hour) to get some bags of clothing and our overnights
stuff, then back to the church (half hour). There we cleaned a little bit and
the POEs, the APs, and President and Sister Beckstrand came over. YAY! The
President! He is so cool! Anyway, we had our interviews with him, and mine was
a little scary. He said, "I hope you're ready to train." Freak. He
didn't say I was *going* to train, but he seemed quite... ominous about
it... Anyway, the rest of it was great. I really like him. But after we had
those interviews, we all loaded everything up into a couple cars and went for
kebab! YAY! I love kebab! Then the POEs drove us down to Lund. By the way, that
was a four hour drive. We stayed the night with Äldster James and Barnes, the
Lund elders.
The next day, we
got up and tåged it to Malmö. We had zone conference. It was combined with the Malmö zone, so it was quite big.
The conference itself was really good. If you really want to know what it was
about, talk to me in a few years. Lots of stuff to cover, but I will say that
if you are obedient, you will receive blessings and guidance from heaven. I
also got to see Elder Hemmingsen at the conference! He is the only one in my MTC group that I have seen so far. Me and him are the only ones in our respective
zones, but the rest of the people in our MTC district have all seen each other
a bunch of times... gosh. Whateves. We all be going to BYU or BYU-I after the
mission anyway. We'll see each other eventually. Then we took a tåg home to
Jönköping. It was the first day I really haven't moved in a long time, so I was
freaking wired. The other three were really tired, but I was not. I think that
kind of bugged them. In the end it turned out to be a good thing, because that
night, when Anderson was asleep, and I wasn't, and it was 11 at night, and the
POEs happened to call because they needed a place to stop driving and stay for
the evening, I was able to get things ready for them to crash. It was...
alright, I guess.
Taught people
Lördag (Saturday), a fun thing, until it got sad. It was the holiday in the evening
where everyone takes candles and lights them in the graveyard. I went and read
some of the gravestones with lots of candles, which I shouldn't have done, and
realized that this really was a sad day.
Yesterday we
went to the DeLima's for dinner and played with their kids for a bit. They don't get tired. Ever. I
mean never. I've seen them go and go and go and go....
But yeah, that
was a week. I really am running out of time. I think I spent a little too much
time writing, so I guess I'll just have to do my thank you notes right here
real quick.
Thank you missionary couple that takes care of housing
for the entire mission, for telling the missionaries that we all had vacuums in
our apartments. None of the elders seemed to know...
Thank you, the two elders who dressed up like Jehovah's
Witnesses for Halloween/Zone conference, complete with a stack of
"Lighthouse"s. You really made us all laugh, and quite impressed the
Mission President too. Made him speechless. He really couldn't say what his mind
was thinking when he saw you two.
Anyway, have a great week y'all!
Äldste Heiner
Outside our apartment building. |
Anderson always does this. Always. |
Selfie with the Beckstrands. |
These are the Tolley's, the apartment couple. They are really freaking cool. |
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At the Malmö chapel for zone conference. |
Candles from the cemetary. |
Hey, check out that university. Wait no... that is an elementary school. |
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