Hej everybody! How y'all doing? I hope you had a great Fourth of July, because I did. It was pretty great. But I guess we can start at the end of the week and go back just mix things up a bit. Get ready!
On Sunday we went to church. Church was fun. Had a good time. Fast and testimony meeting so that is always good. After church we went home and called a bunch of people, got ready to go and got to work in Bäckby. We met a few really cool people, and taught this dude named Simon the restoration while we were standing on the street. After a good whileof trakting, we went home, had dinner and I finished teaching my son how to solve a Rubiks Cube for some down time.
The previous day had us playing Fotbboll in Bäckby with the branch. I was never good at soccer, but while I was on my mission, I found out I was really bad. Now I'm just bad, not too bad though. We came back to the apartment to get showered and rolled back out to work. We taught the guy we found on Tuesday, Daniel, and he read the book! Super exiting. After Daniel went we to Rose Marie and she is doing really well too. I brought my big markers and we drew out the Plan of Salvation super big and colorfully. It was fun. Then while we were walking down the street we taught and older woman who wanted to know who we were. Cool stuff. WEEKLY PLANNING!
On Friday we went to Södertälje for a zone training. I brought the cookies and everyone liked them. The conference was good, we’ve got to focus on the Book of Mormon. To all you people out there, read the book. It's a big deal. Then we got back to town way later than planned because the train company messed up our tickets. But since we got back late, there was a huge car show going on! Really cool cars with really cool people and really uncool cars with really drunk people and more drunk people without cars and then just a lot more cars. So we sat and watched for a bit because President said to not make a big scene with the drunk people.
On Thursday we waited for an older couple to come by for apartment checks. They were really late, so that cut into our day a bit. But they were really impressed with how clean we kept our apartment. I like living in a clean place, what can I say. And now that mom can't make me do it, I just have to deal with it. So we got out and taught a couple older women English and then had Emil teach us Swedish. We did some more work around town and called it a day.
Then on Wednesday we were going to work in Skallberg, but it seems that they all have lives and were busy so they weren't home. We left that and went to work in Bäckby and taught T, who was still drunk, and this Pingst guy who turned out not to want to listen, just liked to improperly quote scripture. After that we visited Rose Marie. Then the Sävhammer family had us over for dinner, which was super cool. I really like them.
Before all that, Tuesday came along, and we visited an older couple in the branch. They're super nice and really just need someone to talk to them. Well... someone to talk to. So we went to Bäckby after that and taught these three people. One of them decided to not want to listen after all, the other one said they would read, come back in August, and then there was this Ethiopian guy! His name was Daniel and he said we could come back on Saturday. We just need to get him an Amharic book. Then we had Awesome Tuesday with David and Ida. It was great.
The the week started with us going to Stockholm! We got up early and President Hagman drove us because he makes that commute every day. We got to the mission office and set up a little bit. Then we surprised President Beckstrand, Elder Treat, and Syster Gardner with a birthday party! It was super fun. When we got back, we had FHE with the YSAs and got ready for the week.
That's what I got, in reverse order this week! Have a great week!
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Sunset Shot |