Okej. So. I didn't get the chance to write too much lately, so my mom thinks I've fallen off of the face of the planet, so here is a rundown of the things I've been doing. I'm sorry if you don't want all of these details of my life and that you have to scroll through all this to get to the pictures you really want to see. I'm not dumb. I've been there....
Monday! We had pday like usual, but since Elder Erikson was transferring on Wednesday, a couple in the branch had us over for Swedish pankakor! Love those things! If you ever want Swedish pancakes, let me know. Super good stuff. I'm going to have to be in the mood though. Just test your luck, I guess... anyway, after that we went and just walked around town a bit. Ate some food. I like food. We went to FHE for the young people who don't really have an F to HE with... We had Farnaz show up. Hamid was moving and Emil was working, but we also had two young woman investigators show too, so it worked out anyway! We watched Meet the Mormons and had Fanta Exotic ice cream floats. Yes. Good stuff. I also bought a new suit. It's my last one. Unless there is a super cheap Tiger of Sweden suit around, but look up Tiger of Sweden. Not cheap. I'm not paying 8000:- for a suit. I'll pay 500:- for a really nice Dressmann, but not the original 2000:- they wanted for it. It was a good sale. I think I would just be too scared to ever wear a Tiger if I bought one anyway.
Tuesday we were working in Valby. After we were blåsted and we had swung by a ton of people, we were a little trött. I remembered a TU that said that she would call us when she was ready to learn more, but was still super positive. We last went by when Elder Backman was here, so we went and talked to her. She is still amazing and positive and everything, but she's scared that if she reads the Mormons Book, she'll find something bad about the church. So she won't... read... it... It's a tough one. But anyway. We had Awesome Tuesday after that. And it was awesome. Love that part of the week.
Wednesday was super weird. Transfers. Transfers make things weird. I did not transfer. Elder Carlson did not transfer. Elder Erikson transferred so we had to babysit Elder Linchenko for a while. We took him to a lesson, then we took him to English Class, and then we took him to the train station, where he picked up his new companion, Elder Brinkworth! You know him! He's been in Karlstad, our district! Anyway. After that, we went to the Hagman's for dinner. Love dinner. People feed me. I like that.
Thursday was district meeting, went there. Saw some new faces, laughed with the old ones. Sat around and talked how to missionary better than we currently missionarying. When we got back, we didn't have anything set, so we walked around and tried to get people to talk to us. Eh. Worked alright. It was a pretty slow day, now that I think back on it more.
On Friday we had a lot of plans. And then we made the decision to not do those plans and do different ones. And then we did it again! Then people wanted to meet with us so we changed everything one more time! My planner is crazy for that day. But that is the day we met with Ingela, who is praying about baptism. I think she can feel the spirit really strongly. I just pray she actually prays and gets the answer that she needs to come closer to Christ. We also took a bus up to Skultuna to meet with this super cool African guy. He knows the church is true, but won't be baptized because he's been baptized before. We talked a bit about Acts 19. I hope he prays about that a bit.
On Saturday, we only entirely changed all of our plans once, so we're getting better. After we had soccer with the branch, we had a member feed us. I like food. Then we were going to do weekly planning, but then the branch president was all, "hey. I need help in my yard shoveling a big mound of dirt," and we were all "vi kommer på en gång!" and then we went and shoveled a lot of dirt. He gave us some super awesome pants for it too. I like them. And pizza.
On Sunday, we went to church. Church is always good. I was asked to teach Sunday School. That's always fun. Then I was asked to teach the Aronic priesthood. So we read Enos together. Then we went home and ate, went out and got blåsted, came home and weekly planned.
And this morning, I just put away my sewing kit! I was doing a ton of reparations to coats, pants, ties, and bags... not shirts. Not worth it. Too far gone.
That's the week! I hope you enjoyed this tale of Elders Heiner and Carlson as they live the life of Swedish missionaries. What will happen next?
Äldste Heiner
Örebro. |
Elders Carlson, Bradley, Heiner, Schindler, Linchenko, and Erickson. Shirts for Volleyball Day in Eskilstuna a couple of weeks ago. |