Okay... I think I'm just going to have to get used to the
fact that while on a mission, weeks consist of three or four days. Not seven.
That would be ridiculous and way too consistent. But anyway. This was a good
week. Full of crazy stuff. I liked it. I always do.
Last Monday after we emailed, the systers
decided they wanted to go bowling. So we went bowling because it sounded fun.
Did pretty well too. After that they ran out to do syster stuff, Elder Jones
and I went to a TU who had asked us to come by during Monday, and we stupidly
said yes. And he blåsted. Don't schedule stuff on a divinely inspired break,
okay people. It never works out. Anyway, we shifted proselyting time because of
that and went to some thrift shops because that's what we do. I was good. We
ended the day at Tommy's, and he's ready to try stopping tobacco again! We're
going to get this guy off of everything!
Tuesday was crazy even though we weren't really
expecting it to be too busy. The morning was quite slow because we had two
appointments cancelled right in a row. We had church watch and just chilled out
a bit to regroup. Then we went up to Huskvarna to see Elizabeth. More on her
later. We then did two swing bys that both let us in. It went really well with
both of them. We were invited to dinner from a member in town, so we bussed
down to Torpa from Österängen. The dinner ended up being quite nice. Afterward,
we went to Juan's place again to play dress up and to take some Christmas
pictures. They turned out quite funny, I think.
Wednesday. Yes. That was a thing. Not
productive in any way, shape, or form, but a thing it was. We got up and got on
our normal bus 200 to Borås. Okay, that's when things fall apart. The bus was
on a special route because of construction. The Systers didn't know that. So
they went to their normal stop that wasn't going to get stopped at. So they
missed the bus. So we're on our way, and we make it in time. The Systers, on
the other hand, find their way onto a charter bus without any tickets and start
to Borås as well, all the while on the phone with the bus company, trying to
get tickets before the bus driver really gets frustrated with them. That
doesn't happen ever because they're systers and they somehow just get to Borås
with a free ride on a charter bus. Anyway, we end up just waiting for them
because charter buses are pretty fast and they ended up just being half and
hour late. During the meeting, we decide to put together a... something for
zone conference this week. I'll say what it is later. Hopefully I'll be able to
get a bit of it home too. It'll be good. We're super excited for it. Anyway,
the meeting was good, but we all missed our normal bus home, so we just hopped
on the next bus 200 there was. About two hours later is when we realized that
the bus 200 has three different routes. Two normal ones to and from Borås and
Jönköping, which we usually take. And one
from Borås to the middle of nowhere and back to Borås, which we happened to be
on. So basically we were on the bus the entire time. It kind of sucked because
it took so much time and we couldn't do any work what so ever. Anyway, we got back and then we went and
picked up some pizzas and took 'em to the church and the the Systers joined us.
It was an end to a wacky day.
Thursday was pretty crazy too. We found out
that Elizabeth doesn’t want to meet again because she wasn't wanting to change
her life. But she still believes Joseph is a prophet. And that the Book of
Mormon is the word of God. You know, we’ll have to try and find out what’s
going on. Anyway, we had about thirty plan changes during the day. In the evening
we had Lucia! It was good. Lots of singing and candles. So I enjoyed it. The
one we went to was quite modernized, so I don't think I liked it as much as I
would have a traditional one, but it was still really good. We have some
pictures, too. It was cool.
Friday was lungt. We did we weekly planning, so
that took up a big chunk of the day. We did some walking around, and did a
lesson on our phone because we can't speak Farsi. So that's chill. In the
evening, Rikki, a recent convert, led a large group of YSAs in yoga. On a
completely unrelated note, my body is in pain. So yeah. Friday in short.
Before daily planning Friday evening, Saturday
was completely blank. But I called six people. And they all picked up. And they
all made appointments. So our seemingly blank Saturday turned into one of the
busiest days of the week. Like, I'm not even going to explain all that happened.
But we met with Edwin, and it turns out that he and Paul are really good
friends, and Paul just happened to be over when we met with Edwin. It went
really well. Paul is really good at testifying simply and powerfully. It was a good day. We liked it.
Sunday was good. They always are. After church,
we went to a member's place for dinner. They had really good food. And we got
to help out with their Christmas trees too. It was fun. Our evening was a blåsty
thing, but that's fine, really. So we went home and finished out there.
So that was the week! I liked it. We had a good
time. And now we're getting ready for zone conference. That is really going to
take up the rest of our day, so I'm going to have no time to write any thank
you notes if I don't do that right now. I hope you don't mind...
Thank you Swedish bus system for being as incomprehensible
as a Japanese game show.
Thank you cold weather for somehow being an impassible
barrier at my African investigators' front door.
Anyway... that's all for me! Hope y'all have a wonderful
Äldste Heiner
P-day bowling. It was fun. |
Here's me and my candy. |
Playing dress up at Juan's again. We had a good time. We are thinking about using one of these pictures and making a card that says "joined the Lord's army" or something like that. |
See the jacket I'm wearing there? The authentic WWII British pilot jacket? Juan gave it to me because it had a tear. I already fixed it. It is great! |
At St. Lucia |
Those are all real candles. In a church. |
A little break from maturity, that's all we got here, just a little pause. |
Legitimately my favorite ad campaign ever. |