What a week. This last week has been a lot of work to prepare
for this current week, which is going to be super weird. This is Elder
Anderson's last week as a full time missionary, and today is his last pday. And
then we're doing some splits with Norrköping during the week because Anderson
is going to the temple with his departing group, and so is an elder in
Norrköping, and it's kind of on the way, so..., and then a weird pday thing on
Saturday, then lots of member visits, and then a weird transfer on Monday next
week, not Wednesday. Anyway. Next time you hear from me, I should know my
future, but right now, I have no freaking clue what in the world is going to
happen to me, although I do know I will be a missionary in Sweden. But this
week was busy and stuff too, so here we go!
Last week we went to Visingsö! It's the big ol'
island in the middle of Vättern, the big ol' lake by Jönköping, that big ol'
city in the middle of Sweden. It was sick. There were castles, and we crawled
through the walls to get to the dungeons, and it was crazy. And there were
sleeping bags in there. We're pretty sure hobos live in there. I would if I
didn't have a home. Anyway, after we were on the island for a bit, we ran out
of things to do because it is winter and all the tourist stuff is closed down.
So we took the ferry back to Gränna, which, by the way, is the place where they
invented the candy cane. Not the cane shape, but the candy itself. So we were
there, and all four of us (the systrar tagged along) were all, "we’ll
probably not coming back, this is a one time shot..." So we each bought
200 crowns worth of candy. It was really good. And a lot. I haven't finished it
yet. Anyway. Came home and proselyted for a bit.
Tuesday was full and busy. We rode the train
with Huba, and then rode the train back, because if we didn't, we'd be chillin'
in Nässjö for a few hours, and who would want that? Plus, we had places to go,
people to see. Role played with Alex, a member here prepping for a mission, and
that is helpful. Had our open church time. Ate and did family history for a
bit. Left the church and found a bit of extra time to do a bunch of swing bys,
but we only actually had time for two, because the first two people we knocked
on let us in, so that was a unexpected surprise. Then we taught a member
lesson, because this nice family basically has a weekly appointment with us.
Then we had a few minutes before we should have gone home, so we decided to do
another swing by, and he let us in, so we were feeling pretty good about swing
bys that day. Three out of three. Not bad at all. Then we went home at 9:30,
and realized we hadn't eaten yet, and then we ate something and passed out.
Wednesday was fun. We got up and went to
district meeting. It was here in Jönköping, so getting there took ten minutes.
After that meeting, though, Elder Miles and I went out into the streets and
contacted on the way to Juneporten, then took a bus to Borås because we were on
splits! It went really well. We talked to a lot of people and had dinner with
the Stake President, and then hung out with their investigator who is waiting
to be 18 so his parents can't stop his baptism. That evening, however, there
was some communication confusion with the systrar, so we had to call them to
clear some stuff up. But they were out of town because all the systers in the
entire mission were in Stockholm for a systers conference. Anyway, there was a
huge slumber party going on in the Täby systers apartment apparently, so I was
able to say hej to Syster Allred from my MTC group. That was cool.
Next day, we got up and caught a bus to
Jönköping so we could get back together with normal comps. We had essentially
nothing planned for the day, so we ended up knocking doors for six hours. We
had over 75 contacts, with, like, 8 of them being TU's. That is a pretty good
percentage. Not bad at all. It turned out really well. Then late that evening
we went to visit a less active with a very strong testimony, but no time. He is
super chill. But we were talking really late, and we missed our bus, so we got
home quite late. Eh. Whatever. It was good.
Friday was quite a bit more lungt. We took the
train with Huba and came home again. Taught Alex again, then we got blåsted in
Huskvarna. We had weekly planning for a few hours. Got to get the planning in.
If you don't plan, nothing happens, folks. Make a plan for everything you do!
Had a member dinner that evening, and that was really good. They gave us
ostkaka, which is nothing like cheesecake, I don't care what the name makes you
think. It was still really good, just very different. Then we had a board game
activity, which was fun, but weird and would take three hours to really
explain. If you ever get curious enough when I get home, ask about A. That is a
really.... funny.... girl. And I'm not sure in the quite sane way...
Saturday started with a lesson with Alex, then
we took a train to Forserum to visit a less active family out there. They are
less active because they have some unanswered questions. And they are very big
unanswered questions. We talked for quite a while, so we missed out train home,
but it was worth it. We were stuck in this little tiny town for a few hours
though. So we went trackting. Lots of older people and this guy with one of the
biggest freaking dogs I've ever seen. We got Marabou chocolate before we left.
Got home, visited a few folks and went to a dinner with the Thörn's. It was
fun. They are nice people. Then we got saddled with doing a musical number in
Sakrament meeting with the systrar somehow. The next day. So we went to a piano
and tried to put something together. It was... interesting how it happened.
Sunday we got up and went to the church for a
while to practice with the systrar, then we had a missionary meeting. I ended
up teaching the English Sunday School class. So that was good. After church we
taught Tanui about the Priesthood and got him set up to get it next week with
Paul, our other recent convert. It was super cool. But we were in there long
enough that we missed our chance to get invited to dinner. So we went home and
got a bunch of food and brought it back, and the systers were also in a lesson,
so they didn't get invited either, so we all prepared the food we brought and
we had a nice meal together with Rikki, a recent convert. He's cool. That
evening, we went out and talked to a bunch more people. Then we came home.
Now it is pday, and Elder Anderson gets to
choose what happens 'cause it's his last one, so I won't have time to write my
thank you notes if I don't do it right now. I hope you don't mind.
Thank you, the combined efforts of the wind, hats, and a
mirror, for reminding me that I haven't had a haircut in over eight weeks.
Thank you Elder Anderson, for calling all the people that
are going home with you. You all are talking about your school, career, and
dating plans, and I'm just sitting over in the corner like, freak. I have two
more years...
Now Elder Anderson needs to figure out what to
do with his last pday. Somethings gonna happen. My future is at stake here
also. This is going to be crazy! I'll keep you all updated. Hope you all have a
great week!
Äldste Heiner
On the ferry. |
The Castle |
Me and Elder Anderson at the castle. |
The next 4 are fun things on Visingso |
We all took turns getting into this tree. |
Svenskakyrkan selfie. |
This place has won the world contest for candy making for a few years in a row now. |
The goods, lots of flavors. |
Granna |
A car in Forserum I thought was funny. |
Missionary Parents,
had your sons and daughters over for dinner yesterday and had a lovely time.
Sister L and I practised a song for the Christmas concert and afterwards
the missionaries practised a hymn they sang today at sacrament meeting. They
are all very musical talented! Hope
you enjoy the picture!
Warmest greetings
from Sweden, MT